Sunday, 5 May 2013

A Love Letter to Womankind

A Love Letter to Womankind
From Your Awakening Brother, Mankind
(A tribute and an apology to Womankind, from Mankind)
By Charles David Heineke

This essay grew out of an awareness of the war between the sexes. That insight began developing in me in 1993. Though I was brought up to always honor and appreciate women, I observed that many men didn't honor them. During a process that continues to this day, I began to become aware of all of the suffering of all of womankind, and all of the suffering of all of mankind. I realized that both had suffered far too long from the wrongs of each. I became convinced that this had to stop. And I vowed that it would stop, with me, even if with no other man on the planet. For over 20 years now, I've been holding a space in consciousness for this awareness to develop in humanity.
Out of that powerful awareness and commitment, I later wrote this essay (in 1997). This essay has been a way that I've spread the word and that a few others have also helped me spread it, on their websites. It's my sincerest desire that this work will help bring about an awareness of this situation and that it will help lead to peace between mankind and womankind. I hope it will help open the door to a better understanding between all of us.
The essay is written from the perspective of an awakened mankind, finally aware of and acknowledging his all too often cruel treatment of womankind, and now asking for her forgiveness, as evidence of his sincere desire to change his ways and once again live in peace with her.
I fully realize and acknowledge that the gender wars aren't solely the responsibility of mankind, but I also realize that, for the most part, womankind has generally been much more loving and considerate than mankind. It's time for man to regain the love and compassion that has for so long been denied to him, by the training he's been given in our male dominated societies. I've come to know that man can be as loving and as compassionate as a woman, and yet be strong and masculine as well. It simply takes a willingness on man's part to become a source of love, and not simply one who looks for love from womankind. It's time for man to re-incorporate the divine feminine nature with his divine masculine nature.
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