Thursday, 30 May 2013

Baking Soda

There exist many modern-day treatments for a variety of different types of cancer, most commonly known in the form of expensive medicines or chemotherapy. However, not all of these treatments are successful, and depend in main on when the cancer was first detected.
For many years now there has existed an alternative in the treatment of cancer. This treatment has also been known to the large pharmaceutical companies, but has been rejected by them on the basis of there being no profit in it for them.
The treatment is with the use of nothing simpler than "aluminum free bicarbonate of soda," or more commonly known in the household kitchen as "baking soda."
The "bicarbonate of soda" acts by instantly shifting the blood pH into the alkaline when taken orally. It has been used successfully in the treatment of cancer by many desperate cancer patients who have previously gone through conventional treatments and have had no success. It has been used to treat successfully: mouth, stomach, intestinal, rectal and oral cancers.
We heard of an oncologist in Italy who treat his cancer patients with pure baking soda
Bicarbonate of soda, better known as baking soda or sodium bicarbonate, has numerous uses. It is a cleaning agent, antacid, fire extinguisher and more. There also are interesting health benefits when you drink baking soda, which is alkaline, in water. Viruses and diseases such as colds, flu, cancer and even heart disease thrive in an acidic body, but cannot survive when your body is alkaline. The 2009 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology revealed a study of 134 patients with advanced kidney disease. Taking baking soda daily dramatically slowed down the progression of kidney disease, resulting in no need for dialysis.
The method of use is to stir one teaspoon of "bicarbonate of soda" into a glass of water, once in the morning and then again in the evening. Take first thing in the morning on an empty stomach one hour before eating, and then again in the evening one hour after last eating. After taking the "bicarbonate of soda" it is advisable to stand and gently walk about for five minutes or so. This is to allow the gasses to be released from the intestine and the stomach by "burping," much in the same way as after a baby has eaten and then has its back either rubbed or patted.
This treatment can be taken over a prolonged period of time until all signs of the cancer have disappeared. However, in considering the use of "bicarbonate of soda" in the treatment of cancer, please be aware that although it has had proven success by many of its users, it does not go without some degree of controversy. This controversy does however come in main from the large pharmaceutical companies that have billions of dollars to lose if "bicarbonate of soda" was to become widely used in the treatment of cancer.

Sodium bicarbonate is probably one of the most useful substances in the world; no wonder the pharmaceutical companies don’t want doctors or anyone else to know much about it. It is essential when treating cancer, kidney and other diseases.

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