Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Alternative Treatments for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a slow growing tumor that begins in a man's gland in his prostate. The prostate is small—the size of a walnut—and is located beneath a man's bladder and surrounds the upper part of the bladder. Prostate cancer seldom causes any symptoms until it has advanced. Prostate cancer is slow growing; however, once it begins to grow faster or spreads to outside of the prostate, it becomes dangerous. In addition, prostate cancer doesn't usually begin until a man is over 65; however, younger men can also develop prostate cancer. Alternativetreatments for prostate cancer offer hope to men who are looking for other solutions.  In addition, alternative treatments for prostate cancer are making a difference in the lives of some men.
If prostate cancer can be treated early, the survival rate is usually much higher. There are certain risk factors for prostate cancer such as being over the age of 65, eating too much red meat and other saturated food products such as certain dairy products, not being physically active, problems with hormones and working as a welder, a rubber worker and others who are exposed to metal cadmium. Alternative treatments for prostate cancer are showing promising signs. It is important to remember, that alternative treatments for prostate cancer continue to growth and expand.
Besides radiation treatment and surgery, there are other alternative treatments for prostate cancer such as changing one's diet to a more vegetarian diet than a red meat and other saturated fats. It has been shown that a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables may be effective in reducing your risk of prostate cancer. Also, some think that Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, may be beneficial and work as a treatment for prostate cancer. And, it is found in tomatoes and fruits that are high in lycopene. It is good to know that lycopene has no side effects when consumed with a balanced diet. Alternative treatments for prostate cancer can be discussed with one's physician.
Another alternative treatment for prostate cancer is pomegranate juice. Studies are showing hopeful signs that pomegranate juice reduces the cell growth of cancer. To use as an alternative treatment for prostate cancer, some advise drinking pomegranate juice, as well as eating the whole fruit; as long as it's part of a well-balanced diet. If taken in moderate amounts, it can be quite helpful. Alternative treatments for prostate cancer can be found in certain foods. One alternative treatment for prostate cancer is the tomato.

Saw Palmetto has been used by many men to find relief from an enlarged prostate. However one of the side effects of saw palmetto is mild intestinal concerns. Also, the African plum tree has been used for years in Africa to treat bladder and urinary problems. Even though there has been some success with the African plum tree when it comes to urinary and bladder problems, it has not been proven to reduce the size of an enlarged prostate. There are some side effects with the African plum tree such as having an upset stomach or nausea. Alternative treatments for prostate cancer can be found at your local grocery or pharmacy store. 

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