Thursday, 20 June 2013

Penile Yeast Infection

Yes Men Get Yeast Infection Too

Male yeast infection, or better yet penile yeast infection, are not uncommon although they are not common either. Since, for the most part yeast producing bacteria tend to thrive in places like the vagina which are warm and humid, it's not often that penile yeast infections will originate with the man.
In point of fact most penile yeast infections will originate with a woman who has a vaginal yeast infection and who, through sexual intercourse, passed it on to her partner. Penile infections can also however, be contracted through such things as using the same towel as an infected person.

These are two very good reasons to abstain from sexual intercourse with an infected person, whether male of female, and also to avoid using anyone else towel or intimate items such as underwear.

The symptoms for penile yeast infections are more or less the same they are for vaginal infections with only a very few minor differences like the fact that the infection is now located on the penis and not the vagina!

That said, penile symptoms can include, but are not limited to rash, redness of the affected area, swelling, and soreness. A person suffering from penile yeast infections might also feel a burning sensation on the tip of the penis, or when urinating.

Pain during sexual intercourse is also not uncommon with penile infections, and most people find this sufficient reason to abstain from sexual intercourse until the infection has cleared up.

Penile yeast infections sufferers might also have intense or unbearable itching of the affected area. If this is the case you might want to look into finding something to contain this itching sensation.

Your doctor should be able to help you out with that, but if you're feeling adventurous you might want to try applying unsweetened yogurt to the affected area, relief should be immediate and if you continue with this remedy for a few days you might even begin to see a lessening of infection symptoms.

If however, you do suffer from penile yeast infection or think that you do, the first thing that you should do is to consult your doctor. This worthy person can tell you definitely whether you have yeast infection or whether you have a different type of infection.

This is always good information to have at hand so that you don't mistakenly treat yourself thinking you have penile yeast infection, when in reality you have a different infection.

Penile yeast infections are treatable however, and by getting the proper treatment you can be infection free within a short period of time.

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