Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Your Life – Your Time – Your Choice

The way in which you decided to spend your time over the past few years has brought you to where you are right now!

Decisions you took five, ten or even twenty years ago are still affecting what you are experiencing in your life today.  Unless you review where you are and strike out for where you want to get to, the chances are that how you choose to spend your time in the next five, ten or twenty years will be led by events, crises, other people and whatever wind blows hardest, NOT YOU.
None of us can expect a smooth path throughout life and very few people are ever able to claim that they achieve all they set out to achieve. When you consider the present you will feel that the decisions you had taken in the past were taken by an entirely different person.
A person with different priorities and outlook on life more able and motivated to spend time on things that were of the moment and immediate. 
At that time, you felt, you had plenty of time to make longer term decisions later, and to think about the future sometime.  There was and is nothing wrong with that provided at the time you were aware that the day of change will come.
Would you today trust decisions affecting your wealth, family, career, happiness and success as well as wellbeing to that relatively inexperienced person?  

                                            YOU, as you were then. 

 I'm not so sure many of us would. Naturally this will depend on how much fall-out of those decisions is still affecting you today.  If you are highly successful then the right decisions may have been made, if you are still striving to be successful a revision might be helpful, if you are struggling then the wrong choices were made.
My personal experiences show quite clearly, that the biggest factors in the wellbeing of people when they reach the age of 60+ are the decisions they took between the ages of 35-55, and how effectively they used their time, on what they consider the most important things at the time.  
The biggest issue for YOU may be the decisions you are now taking knowing you have to work for more years than previously planned as the retirement age is moving further into the future for most people. 
This an opportunity for re- evaluating your career path or re- thinking what time for retirement you will have, what you want to achieve, where you want your life to be?
We are all so bogged down daily responding to demands, opportunities and pressures, calls, momentary tasks, bleeps, noises and all that makes each day pass often too quickly that we rarely take time out to consider what is really going to be important to us in the medium and long term.    
For some of us it may be that we are on our own with too much time and too little of interest to usefully spend our time with the resulting stress and frustration.
Of equal importance, many of us fail to recognize the crucial role of using at least some time on the things that will make the medium and longer term a fulfilling and more satisfying experience.
The clock is running for all of us but not everyone has a ‘road map' to follow or effective self management skills to make a difference.     
                   We all know what that can feel like - lost in the one-way system.

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